Ravenswood Solar Farm – Frequently Asked Questions
May 8, 2018
Below are some key questions regarding the development of the Ravenswood Solar Farm. Have a question but can’t see it here? Send us an email using the Contact Us form and we will see what we can do to assist.
What are you proposing?
The 63 MW AC Ravenswood Solar Farm will feature the latest in large-scale solar energy technology to capture solar power and convert this into electricity for use by homes and businesses. When operating, Ravenswood Solar Farm will generate enough clean energy to power 40,000 homes.
Why this site?
The northern central regions of Victoria receive some of the highest levels of solar irradiation in the state making the location well suited for a solar farm. Ravenswood Solar Farm is proposed to be built on private land, currently used for grazing. This site is surrounded by other Farming Zone properties meaning low population density and good fit with surrounding rural productive activities which are considered an asset to the area.
When will construction start and how long will it take?
Ravenswood Solar Farm is in the advanced planning stage. A Development Application is expected to be lodged in the first half 2019. If approved, construction can potentially then start in early 2020. Construction is expected to take 12 months.
What type of jobs would be created during construction?
Around 150 jobs will be created during the construction of the Ravenswood Solar Farm, with up to five further ongoing jobs available once the solar farm is operating. Jobs will include surveyors, engineers, civil contractors, metal fabricators, electricians, fencing, security and telecommunications specialists, builders and general labourers.
How high will the panels be?
Panels will be installed on low-lying structures expected to be around 3m in height. They will be at the same height or lower than other existing features in the landscape.
Are there bushfire risks?
The Environmental Management Plan for Ravenswood Solar Farm will address Bushfire management measures.
What about glare?
The potential for glare from a solar farm must be demonstrated before it can be built. ‘Worst case scenario’ glare modelling by the project team to map the likelihood of glare occurring at nearby properties or roads shows that the occurrence of glare is unlikely, with no glare hazard predicted. This report will be submitted to Council and considered prior to the development being approved.
What about ‘heat island effect’?
Ravenswood Solar Farm will also use single axis tracking technology – which is spaced at a wider distance to fixed array panels – and rotated to follow the sun – therefore avoiding ‘trapping’ heat underneath.
Will the development create lower power prices for residents?
Adding new renewable energy generation to our current, national electricity supply is expected to reduce wholesale power prices – which could in turn lead to power price cuts for consumers.
What happens after the solar farm’s expected lifespan is up?
Ravenswood Solar Farm is expected to operate for around 40 years. After this time the entire plant will be decommissioned and the land returned to its original use.